Next Generation QMS Assessment (engelsk)

A virtual training providing you with a validated methodology for evaluating your organization's Quality Management System (QMS).

The course is designed to provide you with a validated methodology for evaluating your organization's Quality Management System (QMS) against best practice standards. It facilitates you through a continuous improvement journey towards excellence in quality and business management.

By attending this course you will gain access to DNV’s Business Excellence materials, available both online and in PDF format. This material draws inspiration from and fully incorporates ISO 9001, alongside best practices from ISO 9004 and methodologies endorsed by the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) and MBNQA (Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award) Excellence models. Additionally, it integrates DNV’s extensive experience with top-tier customers.

Additional course benefits:

  • Gain access to the 13 Elements of DNV’s Business Excellence protocol, as well as the digital (self-) assessment Scoring tool;
  • Learn how to use the material for a professional (self-) assessment of the Elements of your choice;
  • Gain insight in a systematic approach to address the 13 Elements that together constitute the Business Excellence protocol;
  • Assignment follow-up sessions with the tutors and peer-to-peer networking for maximised learning.

The course includes 2 full-day (8 hours) modules and 2 half-day (4 hours) follow-up for assignments.

The full-day modules cover the use of DNV Business Excellence materials, including elements, methods, techniques, and the Scoring-tool.

The half-day follow-ups are for peer discussions, sharing experiences, and calibration with tutors, scheduled after the full-day modules to allow assignment completion.

It's compulsory to attend both full-day (8 hours) sessions to obtain the certificate of completion. The half-day sessions are for you to get practical experience but are not meant to be mandatory.

Every 90 minutes there will be a short break of 10 minutes in addition to the lunch break.


On completion of the course, you will be able to;

  • Understand the principles, requirements and best practices that enable the shift from an ISO 9001 compliant quality management system to an excellent and superior MS enabling business enhancement;
  • Get familiarised with a proven systematic approach and a solid tool for assessing your management system allowing to determine your roadmap for ongoing improvement;
  • Share experience and network with your peers in the tutor moderated follow-up sessions.


For successful completion of this course attendees should have prior knowledge of:

  • Robust and sound experience in quality management;
  • Knowledge/experience with ISO 9001 and its application;
  • Preferably some knowledge/experience with ISO 9004;
  • Experience with organizing/conducting internal quality audits.


This course is suitable for Experienced Quality Managers and Quality Internal Auditors with a drive to lift their company’s QMS and aiming for Business Excellence using a proven and systematic approach.

Management Systems Training


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