ISO/IEC 42001:2023 Requirements Course (eLearning)

A half day self-paced online course designed as an introduction to the basic purpose and structure of the ISO/IEC 42001:2023 Information technology - Artificial intelligence Management system standard.

With the increase in demand for application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across industry sectors, the ISO/IEC 42001 standard specifies requirements and provides guidance on establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an AI management system.

This self-paced learning course is designed to enable participants to gain basic knowledge of the requirements of ISO/IEC 42001:2023 standard and provide the foundation knowledge required to implement the standard at any organization working with AI.

As well as gaining an understanding of ISO/IEC 42001:2023, participants will benefit from free access to DNV’s online self-assessment tool for implementing and practicing learnings and measuring company performance against this specific management system standard.

All participants who register for this training will get free access to the self-paced learning on ISO Main Features of Management System Standards before attending the AIMS self-paced course. It is an optional training but highly recommended.


This course is the ideal starting point for learning the basics of AI management systems.

Upon successful completion participants will have a good understanding of:

  • What is an AI Management System (AIMS);
  • What are the specific AIMS requirements as compared to that of other management system requirements such as ISO9001/ISO27001;
  • What should be assured when working with AI;
  • Why AI systems should be trustworthy, transparent and accountable;
  • Why it is important to identify and mitigate risks related to AI implementation;
  • What actions should be taken to maintain regulatory compliance;
  • What are the benefits of adopting the standard.


This self-paced learning course is targeted at any professional interested or responsible in implementing AI safely, such as:

  • Legal managers;
  • Privacy managers;
  • Operations managers;
  • Marketing mangers;
  • R&D managers;
  • Sales managers;
  • HR managers;
  • IT managers;
  • Risk managers;
  • Trainers and consultants.

Management Systems Training


Enhver pasient skal få den beste behandlingen verden over

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