ISO/IEC 42001 Artificial Intelligence Management System AIMS Internal Auditor course

A three-day course designed to give the knowledge and skills needed to understand the audit process and how to plan, manage, and report AIMS audits.

Delivered either online or in a classroom setting, the aim of the course is to give intended internal auditors the necessary skills to carry out management systems audits.

It also introduces the aims of the ISO/IEC 42001:2023 standard itself as a means to promote the responsible and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It specifies requirements and provides guidance on establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an AI management system.

As well as the course itself, all participants will get free access to the self-paced learning on ISO Main Features of Management System Standards before attending the 3 days course. It is an optional training but highly recommended.


This course is ideal for learning the basics of AIMS as well as how to audit such a system.

Upon completion participants will be able to:

  • Understand the principles and benefits of AIMS;
  • Understand the internal auditing requirements of an AIMS;
  • Facilitate the identification of AIMS processes within an organization;
  • Ensure the correct application of accepted audit protocols;
  • Plan and execute AIMS internal audits;
  • Facilitate value-added auditing and reporting to aid enhanced system performance.


This course is targeted at anyone who is planning to perform internal audits and/or preparing to become an external auditor of Artificial Intelligence Management Systems.


All our public courses can also be delivered in-house at your premises either as standard or tailored depending on the needs and requirements of your business.

Management Systems Training


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