ISO 14001:2015 Requirements Course (eLearning)

A brief four-hour, flexible interactive eLearning package on ISO 14001:2015.

This is a flexible learning opportunity for those eager to capture new knowledge of Environmental Management Systems.

The flexible nature means trainees can order and register online. This the most flexible kind of training available. The course can be paused, saved and returned to as required. All that is needed is access to a computer with internet and sound.

Additional benefits include access to course material augmented with exclusive insights from big data analytics based on our database of millions of audit findings worldwide. In addition, trainees gain free access to our online self-assessment tool where you can quickly implement and practice learnings as well as to measure your company performance against specific management system standards.


At the end of the course, trainees will have knowledge of:

  • The purpose of an environmental management system and the business benefits of improved environmental performance;
  • The new structure and the requirements of an Environmental Management System as stipulated in the ISO 14001:2015 standard.


All those interested in understanding the requirements as specified in the ISO14001:2015 standard.

Management Systems Training


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HMS og risiko

​Lær hvordan du kan identifisere og jobbe med risikoelementer i dine prosesser, oppgaver og aktiviteter gjennom et av våre kurs innen HMS og risikostyring.

Miljø og energi

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Formålet med risikostyring er ikke å eliminere risiko, men å forstå den slik at du kan dra nytte av oppsiden og minimere nedsiden.


Samfunnet stiller høye krav til hvordan bedrifter arbeider med og rapporterer sitt samfunnsansvar. Våre kurs setter fokus på flere områder innenfor samfunnsansvar og er praktisk rettet for at du skal kunne jobbe effektivt for en trygg og bærekraftig fremtid.

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