ISO 30415- Human Resource Management: Diversity & Inclusion Awareness Course (eLearning)

A short one-hour eLearning refresher course covering the guidance requirements of ISO 30415 – Human Resource Management - Diversity and Inclusion

The course is designed as a refresher on ISO 30415 - International Standard for “Human resource management - Diversity and inclusion” which is a guideline, aimed at helping to develop an inclusive workplace.

Topics covered include common definitions and concepts used in the ISO guidance standard for managing Diversity & Inclusion (D&I), introduction to the structure and requirements of the guidance standard ISO 30415:2021 Human Resources Management-Diversity & Inclusion.


At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand diversity and the various diverse traits of the workforce.
  • Define inclusion and compare the differences in the concepts of 'Diversity' and 'Inclusion';
  • Describe the hindrances while committing to D&I and learn the ways of handling unconscious bias;
  • Elaborate D&I management in the context of ISO 30415;
  • Identify and align the D&I objectives to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • Understand ISO 30415 and the need to manage D&I in the context of ISO 30415;
  • Infer the standard clause structure of ISO 30415.


The course is suited to anyone interested in understanding the guidance requirements specified in the ISO 30415 standard and is particularly relevant for:

  • QEHS team members & leaders;
  • Diversity and inclusion managers & executives;
  • HR/People manager or advisor;
  • Line manager with people management responsibilities;
  • Procurement and supply chain managers/executives.

Management Systems Training


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