Privacy & Information Security
Business enabler or innovation barrier?

Interactive results
The strategic role of data protection is still unclear for many companies, with the majority regarding it as a matter of compliance. Only a minority welcome it as a business enabler. Is this common in all geographies or industry sectors? Check this out on our interactive page.

The majority of companies found their certification a great support in managing privacy in their ISO/IEC 27001 management systems. The rewards offset the most pressing risks companies faced. Browse our infographic to learn more about specific benefits.

Privacy management entails risks and lack of competence is a major issue for companies. The “human factors” worry companies more than any external threat, whilst the lack of IT security measures are still a relevant concern. Watch our video to discover more on how companies are mitigating risks.

Detailed results
According to 34% of companies, new digital technologies such as sensors, blockchain, smart-tags, etc. pose threats to data protection, while a minority believe they are beneficial for data protection. Are you curious if it will change in the coming two years? Find out the answer to this and other questions you may have, by browsing through the full set of survey results.